Chasing away the winter blues!

WinterFest 2023 was an “an overwhelming success”

Brightlingsea’s annual WinterFest, which joined forces this year with the first ever Brightlingsea Literary Festival, has proved an overwhelming success.

Both festivals are run by a small band of enthusiastic volunteers who linked up and worked tirelessly to organise the packed programme of 27 mostly free events for all age groups throughout February in venues across Brightlingsea.

Organisers of the festivals said: “The response from the community has been overwhelming, every event has proved popular and well-supported, with a whole host of attractions and activities ranging from reggae to sea shanties, writing and art workshops, book launches, a comedy night, healthy walks and wellbeing activities.

“Musicians, poets, writers, artists, DJs, wellbeing practitioners and comedians gave their time and talents without charging fees to help make the combined festivals a resounding success.

“We are delighted to announce that more than £4,000 was raised in donations this year and this will mean that money can be given back to the community in the form of grants from the WinterFest Wellbeing Fund, to help local people. A donation will also be given to the mental health charity, Mid and North East Essex Mind.

“The feedback has shown that the combination of WinterFest running alongside the newly launched Brightlingsea Literary Festival, is a winning formula, raising spirits and bringing people together to help banish winter gloom. We would like to thank everyone for the  great support shown for this year’s events.”

© Brightlingsea WinterFest
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