Chasing away the winter blues!

Issy Day with some of the WinterFest crew

Student Izzy champions our Wellbeing Fund

Brightlingsea WinterFest’s Wellbeing fund is being given a welcome boost, thanks to 12-year-old Izzy Day, who benefitted from the fund herself when she was younger.

Izzy, a year 8 pupil and Student Leadership Team member at The Colne School in Brightlingsea, nominated the WinterFest Wellbeing Fund to benefit from the end of term non-uniform fundraising day at the school.

She went along to a recent WinterFest crew meeting to reveal the good news that her nomination had been a success.

Izzy said: “We were asked to put forward a good cause to benefit from the non-uniform day, when pupils are invited to donate £1 each. I chose WinterFest’s Wellbeing Fund because it is a local cause and it helped me and my Mum in the past.

“Quite a few suggestions were put forward and I was really pleased when lots of people put their hands up for the WinterFest Wellbeing Fund. Everyone was very happy to give their support and I am hoping that about £1,000 will be raised.”

Izzy’s initiative and thoughtfulness has made such an impression that she has now been asked to be a young ambassador for WinterFest, Brightlingsea’s annual festival of arts, music and spoken word. Money raised through donations and any fundraising events connected to the festival go to the WinterFest Wellbeing Fund, which gives grants to improve the lives of people of all ages in Brightlingsea. A donation is also given from WinterFest to the local mental health charity, Mid and North East Essex Mind.

Izzy, who has ambitions to be a champion ice skater, had some backing from the Wellbeing Fund a few years ago, when her Mum, Katie Collin, applied for a grant for Izzy to have swimming lessons and keyboard lessons.

“At the time I applied for the grants I couldn’t afford the lessons for Izzy.” said Katie. “I can completely understand why some people might feel embarrassed about applying for a grant. I felt like that too, but was determined not to let my pride stand in the way of giving my daughter some really important skills and opportunities.

“Izzy has also been involved in The Pulse Performers in Brightlingsea, who have had the benefit of equipment paid for by the Wellbeing Fund.

“I am very proud that things have come full circle and Izzy decided to help the fund that helped her in the past. Although it was Izzy’s suggestion to pick WinterFest the Leadership Team all helped to make it happen, sending emails to parents and carers, writing about WinterFest to the school and jointly making a PowerPoint presentation. The Leadership Team, who aim to do good things within the school and the community, is made up of 10 selected Key stage 3 pupils and they are led by the deputy head Mr Grimwood.”

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